Jim’s a big fat liar!

So, a blog post a day, huh? Yeah, well, I did actually have something written up to post for yesterday, but then I decided I wanted to do a little illustration. And I was really going to do the illustration. But I didn’t… and the beauty is that no one cares, not even me. Actually I do. A little. I’m a tiny bit disappointed in myself :/

person drinking wine and goofing off.

Instead of getting around to this little task, that probably would have taken ten minutes, I decided to get drunk and play with my e-comrades until 4am. It was totally worth it. Now, I’m going to go do an illustration for this post, but I plan to actually do it tonight, and not flake. Yesterdays post shall now become tomorrows.

Watch me do it! Or not. I’m going to get dinner.

So, I had a delicious Kway Teow noodle box for dinner. It was the bomba. Then I was feeling really tired and thought I wouldn’t get the post done. But I did! Yay, me.

Blogging Every Day: It’s All About Nothing

Today I decided I’m going to blog every day.

I’m going to do it even if I have nothings to say.

I’m going to blog about nothing.

Today, CyberageFunk is officially a blog about nothing. Just like Seinfeld was a show about nothing, and my existence is a life about nothing. That’s the beauty of everything. Everything is about nothing. We just pretend stuff is about something. But it’s not…

Maybe I’ll write about nothing multiple times a day. Here’s George Costanza pitching that show about nothing.

Jim Is Ep6. Floating

Going a little lighter with the comic this time around. I’m feeling quite numb at the moment, so this is one comes from the back catalogue of strip ideas. If you enjoy any of the Jim Is strips please, share them with your wacky friends.
jim_is_webcomic_jim_ponders the absurdity of life under a rainbow

Previous Ep

Jim Is Ep5. Alive

I wasn’t sure if I was ever going to get back to these webcomics, but it was a pretty bleak awakening this morning. Instead of doing anything practical I wasted the afternoon with Jim Is Ep5 (morning wasted with social media – but that’s not important! – just throwing it out there I am awake in the AM sometimes). I tried to be funny. I tried to be cool. It turned out pretty dark and horrid…



More Jim Is:


Run Search > Nothing Found

I live in a grey hole in the wall. To keep the outside out. Safe for now in the cool. Another day of existing comes to an end. I scrawl and dream. Digital etchings. My dead art to appease cynical senses, drowned in dry reds and bitter blacks. But every day I do because I must, while I know must is another mask of the absurd. No meaning, no hope, no faith or saviours. Just me and a dizzying regressions of blank searches.

I’m here because I can’t be anything else. A fixed-state particle descended from long guttered fires. Failing to change. Failing to see the point. I mimicked a changing being. I dragged about me the effects of the living. A simple beast of simple desires. Human make do. Human is appeased. Human is fulfilled. Human does not want to end.

I still feel the fallout raining down. Burning embers that mutate the rotting exterior. To expose the changeless form beneath. Every fabricated smile pushes me down another rung of that abyss. Pointless gestures growing to grotesque lies. But now I push the mind beyond the speed of sleep. A bombardment of sonic sensations and broken text designed to mislead and exhaust. When sleep finally catches hold I will be unaware. Free from relentless recursion a while, free to pretend it will be the last time.

A bleak wind was upon me this afternoon.

Smoking in the fog

So I’m currently located in a small rural town in NSW. This is where I was born. I have managed to have some fun since arriving, but I’m going to chalk that up to freak events. …but it isn’t so bad hear, out in the sticks. It’s a quiet night. The stars are bright and clouds are whispering by under a full moon. It’s some fine, relaxing shit, really. Earlier I caved and bought a pouch of tobacco, the first in well over a year, though I did buy a packet of cigs while eating and drinking my way around Sydney, a couple of weeks ago. Small vices make it all a little easier.

That first puff, and I could feel tightly wound structures deep in my brain unclenching. What now? I’m staying with family until I work out what I want to give a crap about and what I want to do about it. Most of me is dropping not so subtle hints we shouldn’t give fucks about anything. Disappear. Fade away. Admit we are nothing. Clip my wings to keep myself tame. Admit that such a position is not something we can abide. Or admit it is something we can abide?

This is the image of reality when lost deep in the foggy lands. Beyond the fog lies an all-encompassing maze of razors and shit. I’ve heard there are better ways to get from A to B. Damned if I know what they look like, or where they lie. I’ve been in that maze. I don’t want to go back. Looking at myself now, I’m looking at the same person I was at 16. To think I would be back here in the fog, where everything outside the fog looks like the lesser alternative to nothing. If that I had the strength to eat razors and kick down walls…

Jim Is Ep.3

Sporadic internet service is proving seriously damaging on the old mental status… or is it the opposite? I can’t tell anymore. In any case episodes of Jim Is are churning out at a steady click. Who knew putting together webcomics could be so much fun.

Webcomic Jim Is episode 3. Hope. Dark humour webcomic dealing with depression
Click for full view

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Jim Is ep.2 – Hate

Burning up a little time before heading to Sydney and finished up Jim Is ep.2. Jim does not feature in this episode, but we meet some more of the characters that inhabit his strange world.

Jim is Webcomic ep2. Hate. One of Jim's desktop images murders the other.


Late-night emo sessions coming at ya! This was written several months back. Not much has changed.

It’s just me and the dark. Laying here, sprawled among the wasted shards. There’s nothing left to give me that little warm feeling. I have failed and I’m pushed right to the jagged edge of this little reality.

I’ve never been so close to absolute night. There’s nothing out there. Nothing for me. Pinpricks of light sail the silence. Little bubbles of light and life. Could I swim that far? Would they have me even if I did? I’m trapped in this vacuum tube and I’m running out of time. Once the glass brakes it’ll be drowning time.

I can feel the pressure rising, and it’s already imploding. I can already feel the shards tearing flesh. This life, my world, cutting me to pieces. Love and hope and little moments of condensed light, all tearing me apart in a slow inevitable concussion a lifetime long.

All I can do is close my eyes as the world I’ve known shatters, leaving me to the crushing depths. I know I’m drowning. And I know it’s my fault. I know I should have been bold. I should have been shrewd. I should have sold my little life whole-sale and went out to fight in that big bad void. I should have fought and killed. I should have kicked and stabbed and taken everything that could be torn free.

Now all I can do is sell this life a shard at a time. Pull theses frozen spikes from my flesh. Sell them at a bargain. Sell them to live another day, washed up on some alien stretch of void. Dream of the vacuum tube. No, instead dream of the glories that could have been – maybe what can still be achieved, if only I can hang onto enough of these burning fragments long enough to make it to the day. Dream of the day I can use what I still hold to make a fresh reality to burn away the dark and the pain.

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