Homework Army of Darkness Style

Fun Homework – WTF?


I’ve had boring homework. I’ve had interesting homework (sometimes I’d even want to do it), but this has to be a first – homework I actually want to do, because it is fun! The concept is simple: create and texture a die. Of course there was no need to go all out. A simple generic die would have been enough for the task, but that seemed a little too easy. After a little humming and harring inspiration struck in the form of Evil Dead/Army of Darkness, and an idea for a nifty RPG die was born.

Haven’t seen Army of Darkness?

Making Army of Darkness RPG Die

Basic steps:

1. Model die
2. UV map die
3. Find suitable images for skull and “Boomstick”
4. Find brushes to add quick gunge and blood
5. Create texture
6. Light and render
7. Postwork


1. Maya was used for all the 3D aspects of the project
2. Photoshop for texturing and post
3. Skull vector image. Image is covered by a liberal Creative Commons licence.
4. The brushes came from my own collection. Two sets by Diviney were used.

4 Replies to “Homework Army of Darkness Style”

    1. It is very cool. I suggest watching at least Evil Dead 2 before you do though. The first Evil Dead is still pretty cool, but the second is pretty much a recap of a re-envisioned first, with further plot development and more funnies. Evil Dead 2 really is one of the best horror movies you can find if you’re looking for something that doesn’t take itself too seriously.

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